So today I have been working on the mains power side of this SMD Oven, wiring together the solid state relay and the in/out IEC sockets. Which comes to my first (and hopefully only mistake): Never underestimate how much power something will draw. I bought 5A fuses for the box, thinking that the oven itself wouldn’t be that powerful. However, it turns out that the oven will draw 1300W, which is slightly more than 5A…. So need to buy some different ones. Slight mistake, but nothing blown up/broken, so thats a relief. Also need to make a way to mount the relay and the 5v power supply, and im reluctant to actually use the mounting holes on the relay…
Ok, so just messed around with it a bit, and realised I can actually mount the relay to the side of the box, and not have to worry about it. DONE! And can also mount the rest of the electronics in the same box, and have it as an all in one device. I’m so clever. So, without much more ado, (and yes, I did just check the proper use of that word…) here are some pictures of this box as it stands!

This first picture is the inside of the box, however things will change very shortly with how this is laid out.

And this picture shows the back of the controller box, and the IEC socket and plug that I have used for this. The main input uses an integrated switch and fuseholder, which I’ve used on another project, gives a nice finish and is much easier than drilling/filing 3 holes for the socket, fuse holder and switch. You can also see the output to the oven, or whatever else is wanting to be controlled. This device could probably actually be used to control anything, as long as it uses an IEC lead and powers straight off the mains.
Eventually I will be releasing the design for this, although the current part of it is rather easy to implement. Until I finish the code though, you will have to suffice with this part!